Friday, April 6, 2007

Writing Prompts, Topics for English Class

A while back, someone gave me very good advice, and said, “Be a number one you and not a number two someone else.” I have always remembered that advice I got, and it helped me throughout my life. Though, it has taken me a while to finally realize how it is so true and makes a lot of sense. For so many years I tried to be like my other friends and fit in this world. Trying to be not the person who I really want to be accepted by others. Until it finally hit me, I need to be myself and be the person I was created to be. If other people don’t like me for who I am, that is their issue, not mine. So, I believe it is very true, that we need to be ourselves rather than being like someone else. Have you ever thought about it really? Is it easier to be yourself or be someone else? Some of you might say, “oh yes, it is easier to be that other person, because you think you know how that person acts or what they would say.” I kid you not; it’s easier to be yourself, because you were born to be you. Yes, it might take time to figure out who you are, as a person, if you always tried to be somebody else. Got has created you, the person who he has made you to be; nobody else is like you. You can only be you; nobody else can be you. Yes, they can pretend to be you, but only you can be truly yourself, 100% you. Take snowflakes for an example, not a single one of them look the same way; they are unique and beautiful in their own ways. That is why it is always important to remember to be yourself, and be the person God beautifully made you to be. “Be a number one you, and not a number two someone else!”