Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Poem I Wrote In My Past

Here is a poem I wrote a year ago I think. It's not just a poem with words put together. It's my feelings, how I felt that time. This is also 25% what I feel like right now, the rest of 75% it's doing okay. Thought you would like to see what I write. So here it is.

~The Girl~
by: Teri Amber

A girl yes she was,
at least she thought so.
Or was she a ghost, invisible,
which nobody else could see.
Maybe that's why,
nobody noticed she was there.
Lonely, friendless and alone,
ghost was she?
She went on her way,
walking slowly, on with her life
Would she ever be broken that spell
that makes her a ghost, invisible that is.
Would she?