Sunday, March 18, 2007

Where I Am At (Part One)

Well, looking back upon my life, I wouldn't have seen myself where I am at today. The Lord is so gracious and good. It is true when James said in the Bible, Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trails of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance." I believe if I didn't go through the things I did, I wouldn't be the person I am today. Also that because I persevered through some days when I wanted to quiet altogether, that it has made me a better person. I thank my heavenly Father for giving me the strength to get through these years. I am in my second semester of college, which is a miracle, seeing I wanted to quiet last semester. Things come harder and slower for me, that would be easy for other people. At the moment in my life I realize I need to step it up and take hold of my Walk with God and to pursue it. I lower myself to say, I haven't been in the Word as much as I want to be. To tell the truth I have put college first and God second. I know that is really sad. But that is going to change from here on out. Yes, I go to church, but being a Christian is much more then going to church and not saying bad words. We as Christians are called out to preach the Gospel, Help those in need, get into the Word one a regularly basics and fellowship with other believers and much more. We are the Church, if you take away "Ch ch", that will leave you with 'UR' and that's who we are. Where ever we go, that is where the church is. So, I want to become the person God has made to me, the Christian who isn't perfect, but wants to do the Lords calling. So I will include this part of my random thoughts about where I am at right now very soon. One thing I have left to say, please to whoever reads this, please keep me in your prayers. Pray that I will get up where I am at and RUN with the strength God will give me and have a passion I once had for my life, will come back and be burning even more. Thank you my fellow brothers and sisters in the Lord Jesus Christ. Take care of yourself and May the Lord be with you and bless you throughout all of your days.

1 comment:

Idhrendur said...

Hey, I'm still friends with AJ, Jessica, Rae, etc...and they all use Macs. It's all good. I just prefer PCs and oppose the cultish qualities of Mac lovers.